
* * * JILLIAN * * *

Jillian said goodbye to the love of her life in the iron harbour of Sudbahnhof last friday. It was the 13th day, a day of unluck, they say. Anyway, the leaving of a lover had nothing to do with superstitions, because she had always know, that the soul of a sailor will be stronger than the silky touch of her back. To survive a period after his leaving, Jillian collected all the old clothes of this man, that he left behind, and spend every evening under the window by knitting and by knitting.

This dress has made from old t-shirts of men. Slices cutted from dark shirts has been attached together with yellow and red rope. Around the neck will be entagled a long slide of canvas continuing from the shirt part. this "scarf" will give a feeling of secure and protected. In the back, there is canvas fullprinted with words saying "Miss. You. Miss. You." The sensation received from the dress is punk-stylish but still very glamorous.
the size of the dress is approximately: 38

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